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The Academy - Part Two The Laws








"Prepare for the dryest lecture you can imagine"

Okay lets face it, this is some pretty boring stuff. But you are not going to be an efficient ConFed member unless you know it, so we'll make it short and sweet. Here is a summary of each article of law for you to put in your long-term memory.




These are the Laws of The Confederation. Failure to comply with these laws will result in suspension, demotion, or expulsion. Only the President and Vice President have the power to alter these laws. The Laws and Rules of ConFed apply to ALL Members of ConFed and its Branches/Divisions unless otherwise stated. So it is written, so it shall be done.


1. Ranks


All members must comply with requests given by higher ranking members of their Division or any member of High Command. It is each member's responsibility to study this web site and know who holds a higher rank than they do.




2. Loyalty


No member of ConFed is permitted to be in any other Clan. If you join ConFed, you must quit all other Clans.




3. Respect


All ConFed members must respect all other members, no matter what Division they are in, or what rank they hold. No member may deliberately offend, insult, or otherwise act unkindly towards another member. Always bear in mind that ConFed is about friendship.

If broken:

1st Offense: Member will be warned. This may result in a Kick from The Confederation Channel.

2nd Offense: Member faces possible trial from JCOS. Possible actions: member may be demoted, suspended, or banned from channel.




4. Uniforms


All members must wear their Confederation Uniform while in Confederation channels, regardless of what client they are on. This includes either Formal Uniform or Battle Uniform.

Formal Uniforms are in the form of Rank-Name,

Ex. President-Error

Battle Uniforms are in the form of Name(ConFed)

Ex. Error(ConFed)

Note: The purpose of a battle uniform is to allow members to keep a record of their wins/ladder rank when they are promoted. Battle uniforms are optional.




5. Zerg


No member of ConFed other than Keepers may play as Zerg while in ConFed uniform. Remember, members are also not permitted to enter ConFed channels out of uniform. This law is relatively old and is no longer enforced, however, members are still encouraged to not play as zerg.




6. Spamming


There will be no spamming in ConFed channels unless authorized by a member of High Command.




7. Resignation


If you EVER resign from ConFed for any reason, you will not be re-admitted without unanimous approval from the High Command. So think twice before you quit should things not go your way.




8. Ops


Members must always offer ops (the Hammer) to a member of the High Command, JCOS, or a member of the SSA(A-6 if no SSA is present) when they are in a ConFed channel.




9. Arguments


Simply no members of ConFed are allowed to FIGHT with other members. Fight for ANY reason, no matter who started it and you will be in trouble. If you have a quarrel with another member, settle it in a game or in another channel. Do NOT argue in a main Confederation channel or be prepared to face the consequences. Arguing or antagonistic behavior of any kind will not be permitted amongst ConFed members.




10. Enjoy


All Members are required to have fun! That's why ConFed exists.




11. Cheating


Cheating in games is not permitted. Any member found guilty of cheating in a ladder game, regular game, guildwar, or tournament, whether in ConFed uniform or not, will face harsh penalties. Cheating includes the use of hacks, ladder abuse, or falsely reporting wins during a guildwar or tournament.




12. AIM


All members of ConFed are required to use AIM. This is a requirement of becoming a ConFed member. Members must have AIM upon completion of the Enlistment form.




13. War


Only the High Command has the authority to declare war upon another Clan.




14. BOTS



All bots used by Confederation Clan members must use the uniform (bnet name) Sentry-NAME or they must contain the word ConFed in their name. BOTs using any other names will be banned from our channels.




No non-ConFed bots will be permitted in our channels. All non-ConFed bots should be banned on sight, unless they belong to an allie of ConFed. Any non-ConFed that joins a ConFed channel using a Bot to chat, (such as StealthBot or l2uthless) must be asked to leave and return using a real game client.




15. Modes


All members should use the designated ConFed channel which will change dependant upon ConFed's mode of operation.

The modes of ConFed are as follows;

Peace:ConFed is not involved in any channel war or guildwar (tournament) with any other Clan.

Guildwar:ConFed is engaged in an organized Starcraft tournament with another guild. These Guildwars are considered to be friendly competitions.

Defense:ConFed is under threat of attack but has not yet comitted to War against another Clan. The channel we use will depend upon the nature of the threat. Channel Clan xCFx is used to stop bots and neutralize all attacks.

War:ConFed is engaged in full scale channel warfare with another clan. If the enemy clan does not pose a great threat to ConFed channels, then we remain in Channel Clan xCFx. If the threat is severe then channel Starcraft �ConFed� is used to neutralize all attacks.


In Peace mode ConFed's channel is Clan xCFx

In Guildwar mode ConFed's channel is ConFedGuildWar

In Defense Mode ConFed's channel is Clan xCFx

In War mode ConFed's channel is Clan xCFx


During War mode, the use of ANY ConFed channel other than the designated Channel may result in harsh penalties, including demotion. The use of the channel Clan xCFx during war times will allow all efforts to be concentrated on attack of our enemies' channel. It removes us from the burden of defense and frees all resources for offense.

The current mode of ConFed is always displayed on the main page. It is recommended that members check the current status of ConFed's mode on a regular basis. All members should also keep up to date with the latest news via SNN and CNA.




16. Keepers


ALL Keepers are required to maintain the most elite gaming skills in the clan. In order to make sure Keepers are still up to par, they must routinely be tested by the President and Vice President. Should they fail these tests, they may be removed from Keepers.




17. Handling of Incidents


A. High Command Members


* In the event of an incident occurring involving ConFed members that is in conflict with the Laws and Rules of ConFed, any member of the High Command has the authority to suspend that member/s, no matter what Division/Branch the offender/s are attached to, and/or ban that person from a ConFed channel. Note, kicking members should always be used as a warning before banning.

* Suspension* is the ONLY on-the-spot punishment that can be applied to members that Hold Officer rank in the UMC or any member of SSA, Keepers, CRA, or JCOS, other than banning or kicking from a channel. Once a member has been suspended, further action must be discussed by a meeting of the High Command. Punishment of Enlisted UMC Members will be left to the discretion of the individual High Command member.

* Screen shots must be supplied where possible.


B. JCOS Members


* In the event of an incident occurring involving ConFed members that is in conflict with the Laws and Rules of ConFed, any member of the JCOS has the authority to ban that person from a ConFed channel. Note, kicking members should always be used as a warning before banning.

* JCOS members may suspend* members of their own branch only. This is the ONLY on-the-spot punishment other than kicking/banning that can be applied by JCOS members. Once a member has been suspended, further action must be discussed by a meeting of the High Command.

* Screen shots must be supplied as evidence in the event of a dispute. There is no case without screen shots. If a JCOS member bans or kicks a member of ConFed and cannot provide screen shots, there is a chance that they may be disciplined.


C. SSA Members (other than SSA Commander. SSA Commander see above)


* In the event of an incident occurring involving ConFed members that is in conflict with the Laws and Rules of ConFed, any member of SSA has the authority to kick those members from a ConFed channel as a warning. If the member/s involved continue with their unlawful actions after having been warned and kicked, then any member of SSA has the authority to ban a member from ConFed channels.

* No SSA member has the authority to suspend another ConFed member, other than the SSA Commander (see section B. above)

* Screen shots must be supplied as evidence in the event of a dispute. There is no case without screen shots. If an SSA bans or kicks a member of ConFed and cannot provide screen shots, there is a chance that he/she may be disciplined.


D. Regular Personnel (All members other than JCOS/Executive Council)


* Members should report any incidents to a member of the JCOS or High Command. Regular Personnel cannot ban or kick ConFeds from a ConFed channel unless ordered to do so by members of JCOS/High Command.

* No regular Personnel may suspend another member.

* Members should supply screen shots of any incident in ConFed channels when reporting such incidents.




18. Promotions



Members of UMC should apply to their Captain for a promotion. Before applying, you should ensure that you have all the qualifications as laid out on the UMC rank descriptions page. Captains must discuss any promotions with the UMC Admiral or Fleet Admiral and should also notify the ConFed Webmaster.




No member may apply for a promotion to SSA, A-6 or High Command. Your branch commander or a High Command member will come to you should a post need filling.




19. Saluting


Members may, but are not required to, Salute higher ranking members when they enter a channel. An offical Salute is in the form of /me Salutes Name.




20. Holding Ops


If for any reason a person is causing trouble in a ConFed channel, the ops holder is required to first warn that person. If problems continue, that person should be "kicked" from the channel. If the trouble maker returns, they should be banned. If ConFed becomes involved in a Channel war, the ops holder can, and should, ban our enemies on site without warning. ConFed members may only be banned from ConFed channels by an SSA member, a member of JCOS, or a High Command member.




21. The High Command


A. President and Vice President vs Advisors


The High Command consists of President, Vice President and three Advisors. All members of the High Command share equal power. However, the President and Vice President have some privileges that the Advisors do not share.


The President


Only the President has the power to declare Martial Law*. Under Martial Law, the President has supreme power and can overrule the High Command. Martial Law* should only ever be introduced in extreme circumstances. Also, in the event of a split vote among the High Command, where there are 2 members for and 2 members against, the President has the power to make the final decision. If the Vice Presidential post becomes vacant, the President may appoint a new Vice President without requiring agreement from the High Command.


The Vice President


Should the President resign from his post, the Vice President will assume Presidency and appiont a new Vice President. Should the President go missing without warning or indication of returning to bnet for any longer than 14 days, the Vice President will assume the post of President and appiont a new Vice President.


B. General Issues


*The members of the High Command must keep in constant communication over AIM.

*Any decisions or actions other than day to day issues or issues covered by the ConFed rules and law must be discussed in a meeting or via AIM. This includes, but is not limited to, promotions of members to any command rank, old members wishing to rejoin, the appointment of a new Advisor, declaring War, etc.

*Whenever possible, the High Command will seek the opinions of the JCOS for any decisions.

*A unanimous decision from the High Command will always overrule all votes from the JCOS on any issue

*Martial Law. Under Martial Law, all members must comply with the orders given by the President without question. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from the clan.

*Suspension. If a member is suspended, that member can no longer perform his/her duties in ConFed or issue any orders to those in lower ranks. The suspended member cannot be promoted or given any awards for the duration of the suspension. The suspended member cannot use his/her ConFed uniform, but can stay in ConFed channels and is still treated as a member of ConFed. Suspension is used as a minor penalty or as a means of freezing a member's progress until the High Command meets to decide an appropriate penalty.


Congrats, you have completed part two. If you have any questions ask a member of CRA for help (look for Branch: CRA in member profiles).

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