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The Academy - Part Four: Channels








"Ignorance Is NO Excuse"

The Basics:

At the top of a Clan or Op Channel is a very special icon. This icon sits to the left of the person's name that is at the top of the channel and resembles a gavel, like the ones judges use in court. This gavel is sometimes referred to as "The Hammer" or "Ops"




Having ops in the ConFed channel (Clan xCFx) is extremely important for keeping the channel in order. "Ops" allows us to remove anyone that is causing trouble from the channel and to enforce ConFed law by temporarily removing any member from the channel that fails to abide by it.


Sometimes, people that don't know what they're doing gets ops. This is VERY BAD because most of the time they end up doing something that makes the little hammer disappear altogether, which is usually a disaster and a pain in the rear end for ConFed leaders and Security Personnel. The moral of this story is, if YOU get ops and are not WELL TRAINED in how to use it, give it to a ConFed leader immediately.




Novice Points:


By rights, the only people that should hold ops are ConFed leaders and dedicated channel protectors during ConFed's slow times on However, occasionally someone that is not used to holding ops will get it. To avoid having the little hammer disappear, this is what such a person should do:


a) Designate:

Type /desginate name into the little chat bar where "name" is the name of a Confederation member in the channel. After you do this, a little sentence will pop up on the chat screen that only YOU can see saying "name is your new designated heir." This means if you rejoin, leave for a game, or you are disconnected from, the "heir" will receive ops after you. By DESIGNATING a new ops, EVEN if it is someone right below you, you greatly reduce the chance of losing the hammer in the ConFed channel.



If you are the ONLY member of ConFed awake in our channel and ConFed enemies come in and stir up trouble, this is how you can get rid of them:


**Type /kick name into the chat where "name" is the name of the person causing trouble. That person will disappear from the channel and appear in another channel called "The Void." That person can return at any time however. Think of "kicking" as a warning.


**Type /ban name into the chat where "name" is the name of the person causing trouble. That person will disappear from the channel and appear in another channel called "The Void." That person may NOT return unless you CHOOSE to unban them by using the /unban name command, you give OPS to someone else, or there is no ops at all.



IF you have OPS and decide to go AFK, meaning you leave your computer and go do something else OR use another application on your computer, please DESIGNATE and GIVE ops to another ConFed in the channel. You are urged to give OPS to the highest ranking member of ConFed that is NOT afk. If all ConFeds in the channel are AFK, give ops to a ConFed bot in the proper uniform, Sentry-.




You have completed part four. If you have any questions ask a member of CRA for help (look for Branch: CRA in member profiles).

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